
BACK TO FULL BLOG LISTINGS The Best Fishing Of The Year As we ease into August there’s a bubbling stew of great fishing simmering in every direction.Buoy 10 salmon, ocean crabbing, tuna fishing, near shore halibut, high lakes trout, walleye, smallmouth bass, panfish and more water to...

BACK TO FULL BLOG LISTINGS 10,000 MORE! Let’s pick up from where we left off last year… So far, this year’s winter steelhead season has produced some real surprises.  Welcome surprises! Going into the season it appeared like another rough ride was ahead but that’s not what was...

BACK TO FULL BLOG LISTINGS The Springer Season Continues… A growing cadre of spring chinook enthusiasts use April and May to tune-up for fishing in June.  For many of us, June’s the month.The action’s in the lower Willamette River and Multnomah Channel.  From early-June until mid-July, trollers...

BACK TO FULL BLOG LISTINGS THE BEST IS YET TO COME Easing into April there’s been a steady buzz anticipating a bumper-crop of coveted spring chinook salmon.  It started last December with ODFW’s run forecast that predicted the 2023 springer season would return over 70,000 springers back...

BACK TO FULL BLOG LISTINGS It’s Trout Time! From now until the end of September, maybe first couple weeks of October, some of the most beautiful country in the lower-48 can be found in the Cascades. Beautiful summer-like days, sparkling lakes, plump huckleberries, uncrowded serenity at its...

BACK TO FULL BLOG LISTINGS Go West For Salmon Among most northwest salmon anglers two words generate a level of anticipation and excitement like no other. For about two and half weeks you can’t find a hotel room, lines are long at the launch and you can...

BACK TO FULL BLOG LISTINGS Trout! We’d found an unnamed blue spot high in the Cascades on an old map.  The closest trail in was about a mile from the lake, from there it was a bushwhack.  Google Earth had confirmed the location so we set out...

BACK TO FULL BLOG LISTINGS Second-Season Springers Good news! The return of spring chinook has exceeded the pre-season forecast and expectation.  The Columbia has re-opened and is expected to stay open clear through June 22nd.   That’s great news!We wish it was longer but for now that extension...

BACK TO FULL BLOG LISTINGS SpringERS The magic, majesty and lore of the Northwest’s most iconic fish, the spring chinook, cannot be overstated.  They are singularly unique in so many ways.“Springers” as they’re often referred to, are arguably the best eating salmon on the planet.  The only...

BACK TO FULL BLOG LISTINGS Spring Into The Outdoors It’s spring and we’re getting regular reminders that things will be warming up and drying up as we barrel towards summer outdoor recreation.  Here’s 10 solid outdoor opportunities to get you started early.Spring Chinook. This is the #1...