Going to the Washington Sportsmen’s Show and wondering what may be waiting for you? Here are some highlights to get you started. There’s a whole lot more but you’ll need to come down to the show to find out. See you there!
Leupold. Not only is Leupold the presenting sponsor of the show but they’ll also have scopes and other optics for sale in their booth. It’s your best opportunity to connect with Leupold factory experts as well as find the hard-to-find Leupold gear you’ve been looking for.
Randy’s in the house! Public lands advocate and renowned hunter, Randy Newberg, joins us Thursday to Sunday of the show. Randy’s giving daily Q&A’s and he’ll be spending time at the show meeting and talking to anyone and everyone. He’s a genuinely great guy, incredibly passionate about hunting, public lands and connecting with fellow hunters. This year, Randy has an entirely new line-up of seminars. You’ll find seminar times and topics at www.TheSportShows.com. Meet him at the show!
Les Schwab Kids Trout Pond. The Les Schwab Kids Free Trout Pond returns to the Washington Sportsmen’s Show and is stocked to the gills (pun entirely intended) with fat, frisky rainbow trout. It’s free for kids 12 and younger and everything you need is provided free including a plastic bag to take your trout home! Of course, if you want to put it back after catching it your child can do that too, but you’re welcome to take them home for a trout dinner. Unlike any other feature in the show, the Kids Free Trout Pond has become a generational favorite with grandparents who caught their first trout now taking their grandkids. Many a fishing career started at this iconic pond — we even have a few in our office that got their start fishing at the Kids Free Trout Pond!
3D Open Archery Challenge. The 1st annual! Open to all archers and equipment (except crossbows), this “Challenge” pits your talent against 10 targets placed at varying distances. It’s outside, so the elements play into this competition as well. There’s a $5,000 purse for the Open Division with 1st place winning $2,500, 2nd place at $1,500 and 3rd place netting $1,000. The Kids Division, for archers 14 and younger, win top-flight archery equipment. Both division winners also win custom belt buckles.
Steelhead River. It’s the only indoor river of its kind in the world…complete with live steelhead! There are current seams and structure just like you’d find on the coast. Steelhead experts from across the region share their expertise through daily seminars held at and in the river. For seminar times, speakers and topics visit www.TheSportShows.com.
Fistful of Cheaters! It’s free! Visit the Western Washington Toyota Dealers booth, check-in and grab a handful of Beau Mac Cheaters. You get to keep all the Cheaters you grab and if one of them has a Toyota logo on it you’ll leave with more than the Cheaters. There are LOTS of great prizes that will be given away daily like: Full camp cooking set-ups, Edge Rods, stoves, headlamps, crab rings, sunglasses, fillet knives, hammocks, dry bags and more! Don’t miss it! The prizes are better-than-ever and there’s more than ever and it’s free! It’s easy to find in the back of the Showplex in the Western Washington Toyota Dealers booth.
Leif is joining us! Leif Steffny from NW Fishing Secrets is back to the show after a couple year break. One of the most popular YouTube personalities in the country — Leif’s a genuinely good guy and passionate trout fisherman. He’ll be giving seminars in the Steelhead River on Saturday and Sunday of the show. He’ll also just be wandering around and checking in with fellow-anglers at the show. Be sure to say “hi”!
Head-N-Horns above the rest. If 2024 was the year you bagged a trophy deer, elk, moose, goat or other game, then bring your head-n-horns to the show, have them scored and see if you’re in line for a record or one of the great prizes that have been provided by such notable companies as Leupold, Fort Knox, Danner/LaCrosse, Savage Arms, Benchmade and RMEF. There are lots of categories and more to this competition than space permits but it’s safe to say if there’s an impressive set of horns, a head, turkey beard or antlers in your attic, bring them to the show — they may be a winner! It’s $40 to have them measured, scored and entered into the competition.
Brett Stoffel. Thanks to the Western Washington Toyota Dealers, we have survival expert Brett Stoffel back for this year’s show. Brett’s the real deal having worked as a survival and search-and-rescue instructor. He’s a pilot and past B52 Aircraft Commander for the U.S. Air Force as well as a B2 Mission Commander. He’s had some of the most intense and comprehensive survival training available and he’s here to share his expertise and knowledge with you. Learn how to make fire in a driving rain or build a shelter quickly with inexpensive, basic materials. You’ll learn the priorities of survival as well as what to take so you’re prepared anytime you venture into the backcountry. Brett’s hosting daily seminars or you can visit him at his booth in the Western Washington Toyota Dealers display in the Showplex.
Military Discount! There’s a Military Discount good all hours, all days of the show. Just show ANY valid military ID (VA counts) and you get the discount! Thank you for your service!
Addicted Fishing. The guys are back with the premiere of their movie, “Adventure To Unknown Seas” at the Washington Sportsmen’s Show. They go back to Alaska, Sitka to be exact, on a DIY adventure that promises to be their best ever! No one has more fun than Addicted Fishing and they’ll be bringing it to Puyallup with the movie, giveaways and raffles. Expect an action-packed three hours of inspiring, entertaining and educational Addicted Fishing fun. The doors open at 6PM. This is a ticketed all-ages event. You can purchase tickets online at https://addicted.fishing/. And be sure you stop by their booth. It’s loaded with Addicted Apparel and tackle.
Take a guided trip. Washington, Oregon, Canada, Alaska, Mexico, New Zealand, Africa and several other overseas and domestic destinations…fishing or hunting, big game or small, you name it and you’ll find it at the Washington Sportsmen’s Show. It’s where adventures far and near start.
Buy some art. Nothing says, “I love the outdoors” quite like a photograph, carving or metal art from one of our artistically inclined exhibitors. There’s plenty here to look at, admire and buy. It’s cool and it’s here!
Shop the sales. There are literally thousands of items on sale at the Washington Sportsmen’s Show…deeply discounted sale items. Boats, clothes, tackle, camping and cooking equipment, knives, rods and reels, RV’s, food items, jewelry, art and much, much more! At the Washington Sportsmen’s Show — it’s a buyer’s market!
Attend some seminars. The Sportsmen’s Show iconic seminar series is back and overhauled with all-new topics and speakers! This may very well be the very best seminar series we’ve ever produced. Look at the schedule and you’ll see one “A” list speaker after the next sharing equally impressive topics and info. There are hours-upon-hours of trip-enhancing, technique-oriented, how-to, where-to, what-to-do seminars planned for this year’s show. Every seminar is presented by a leading expert and covers a broad array of topics in northwest hunting and fishing. For complete details on speakers, topics and times visit www.TheSportShows.com. All seminars are free with your admission into the show.
The last frontier. If you’re the slightest bit interested in Alaska fishing, you’re in the right place! From SE Alaska to Bristol Bay and all points in-between there are some of the world’s best fishing and hunting opportunities in this collection of lodges and camps. If you’ve never been, this is a great place to get started. If you’ve had the pleasure of fishing or hunting in Alaska here’s an opportunity to find some new options. We’ve assembled some really remarkable getaways in this category…have fun exploring the possibilities.
The Smell of Success! Or better said, scent. Shane Magnuson of Northwest Bait & Scent is at the show and not only is he delivering a seminar on baits and scents he’s going to have his products for sale at the show. Shane’s not only a great guide but this man knows his business. Get Shane talking about the difference between “salty” scents and “sweet” scents and you’ll be in for a very useful, fish producing conversation. He’ll be the first to admit he’s always learning but trust us when we say, he’s already learned A LOT and he’s happy to share it with you.
The Call of the Wild! Looking to get the attention of your favorite game? It’s very likely the call companies that are in the show can help you. They can also provide expert advice on how to use them. You’ll find everything from crow, duck and turkey calls to deer and elk and plenty more at the show. Talk to the experts and make your buy there.
Looking for an out-of-hemisphere experience? How about New Zealand? Breathtaking landscapes, trophy red stag, amazing river trout and offshore fishing…the trip of a lifetime! Stop by the Kaweka Hunting Adventures booth they’ll answer all your questions about a trip to New Zealand…they’re the experts!
Cutting edge technology. Knives…lots of them. What self-respecting outdoorsperson would go into the backcountry without a knife or three? Its essential equipment and we have you covered. We have some great custom knife manufacturers at the show as well as cutlery perfect for any kitchen, cabin or camp setting. If you’re in the market…it’s definitely a reason to attend.
See what’s new. Hundreds of new items will be featured at this year’s show. Fishing tackle and lures, apparel, optics, hunting gear, knives, vehicles, boats and more will be making their debut at the Washington Sportsmen’s Show.
Learn from the pro’s. Make the most of your show experience by tapping into the expertise that’s found throughout the show. The Washington Sportsmen’s Show is filled with fulltime outdoor professionals manning booths, giving seminars and making appearances at sponsor booths throughout the show. You can learn volumes talking to these pros. Take advantage of their time at the show and come armed with your questions and learn.
Dream big…plan your dream vacation. There’s no better place to plan your next big adventure. Whether you’re looking to stay in-state or travel, the Washington Sportsmen’s Show has the answers you’re looking for. Big game hunts, marlin fishing, DIY Alaska trips, premium salmon and steelhead adventures, British Columbia fishing or hunting, guided bass trips, bird hunting and much, much more.
Buy a boat. It’s a show-within-a-show…if you’re in the market for a fishing boat, the Washington Sportsmen’s Show is the place to be. There’s a great selection of fishing boats and the dealers/manufacturers are there to make a deal. It’s the perfect opportunity to shop a variety of boats in one place, side-by-side.
Base camp. Looking for a serious wall tent for elk camp? Bravo Manufacturing is at this year’s show and they’re the experts in extended backcountry camping.
Join a club. There are plenty to choose from. Fishing, hunting, archery, dog clubs, conservation groups and the list goes on and on. If you’re looking to connect with like-minded outdoor enthusiasts you’ll likely find a group that fits your needs perfectly.
Looking for a rig? The Western Washington Toyota Dealers have a sprawling booth in the back of the Showplex with several new Toyotas on display. Be sure to check them out!
Wall of Kings. Without a doubt one of the most impressive displays of freakishly large big game animals mounted and arranged for maximum effect. Any self-respecting hunter will be mightily impressed with this collection. “Wall of Kings” pretty-well captures the magnitude of this feature. It’s been retooled and updated for 2025 and is even better than ever!
Go to Africa. There’s a healthy list of top Africa safari operators to talk to at the show. Make this the year you take that first step and open some doors to another continent!
Get crabby. There’s plenty of crab and shrimp gear at the Washington Sportsmen’s Show. If you’re in the market for crab gear — get it here — these are the best buys going.
Glass a trophy. Check out any one of several optics companies at the show. You’ll find the latest in what’s new as well as experts to assist you. Special thanks to our presenting sponsor, Leupold, for their support in making the Sport Shows the best in the west!
Happy camper. Not into tent camping? There are lots of campers and RV’s to check-out that may be just your style.
Shake a rod. You’ll find several rod manufacturers represented at the show. Be sure you take full advantage of the pros they have in their booths. Guides, tournament pros and rod designers are all available to help you…take advantage of it and understand the what and why of purpose-built rods for better fishing and catching.
Alluring lures. All the top lure manufacturers make this show. Spoons, plugs, spinners, plastics, jigs, flashers, flies…you name it, it’s here.
Get safe. Need a gun safe? You’ll find what you need at the show…there are plenty to choose from.
$2 Discount! There’s a $2 adult (only) admission discount coupon available online that can be used on the weekdays. Just go to the show’s website, enter your info and submit it, the next screen that comes up will allow you to download the coupon immediately. It’s that easy!
Parking’s free! There’s lots of parking around the fairgrounds and the best part is it’s ($15 value)